Yes, count me in. We are at a critical turning point for a cleaner, healthier Hudson River.
After 40 years, the General Electric Corporation is finally dredging to remove toxic PCBs it dumped into the river generations ago. However, GE is threatening to pull up the stakes and shut down its high-tech dredging equipment after cleaning up only 65% of the dangerous PCBs.
The Hudson is an American Heritage River and one of the state’s most treasured natural assets. Enjoyed by millions for its beauty and natural resources, a healthy Hudson is also key to the economic vitality of the surrounding communities and the region at large.
The presence of toxic PCBs discharged by GE is a health risk to residents, has seriously compromised the river’s fisheries and the economy, and represents an enormous liability to the taxpayers of New York. GE should stay and finish the job. It put those PCBs in the river, and now it should remove them.
Our state and federal officials also should hold GE to the task. The health and well-being of residents for 200 miles, from Hudson Falls to New York City and beyond, must be protected.
I join with others who care deeply about the Hudson, the people who live along it, and our natural heritage, which belongs to all of us. I call upon GE, and our state and federal leaders, to restore the legacy of a cleaner Hudson for future generations.
You can sign petition here: change.org/p/weehawken-save-the-marine-life-of-the-hudson-river